Sunday, June 24, 2018

the day i picked her up...

desclaimer: i wrote this blog more than 10 years ago. i'm not sure how and why i wrote it, but reading it again today made me realize how sentimental i was back then. after reading it i feel like i wanna bang my head against the wall and jump from a bridge hehehe. i think i am way pass this state... or am i? zzzzzz... anyway, just for fun, enjoy reading... [and laughing at me after]☺

here goes...

i was sauntering along a lonely road facing the rising sun as the smell of the flowers in the field fills the air. then a blow of the morning breeze gently kissed my cheek causing my face to turn slightly...

then that moment froze as a tiny glitter caught my attention. i cannot resolve the object at first, but something in my mind is telling me to draw closer to it. as i came near, i found a flower struggling to grow on the side of the road. the hard and rocky ground is slowly withering her and preventing her from blooming. my heart was sadden at the sight of this precious thing...

i wanted to pluck her from the ground immediately and place her in a vessel so i can care and nurture her, but the thought that she might not survive the ordeal brought me to a standstill. i stood there confused, perplexed and at a lose not knowing what to do. i needed answers, i needed wisdom. then, when i thought everything was lost, a gentle Voice whispered in my mind, "pick her up..."

that was all i needed to hear and instantaneously i kneel down and gently lifted her from the ground, making certain that her roots will be dug up as well. then hurriedly, i went home and got a beautiful vessel that is worthy to share her glory when the time will come when this precious beauty blooms. i placed her in the vessel and gently cover her roots with good soil, then lightly poured some water that came from the fresh, pure streams flowing down from the mountains...

everyday i took care of this precious beauty, assuring my love and dedication for her. days passed and slowly she regain her strength and vigor. i can never explain the joy i felt that time when all my efforts have been rewarded with the assurance that she is getting stronger and stronger each day...

i found my inspiration from this precious beauty. each time problems and burdens overwhelm me, just the sight of her would detach everything that is bringing me down. her presence have kept me going. caring and nurturing her is caring and nurturing myself. i found a different kind of joy in my life...

then i day, when everything seemed perfect, her leaves started to wither again. i cannot understand what happened, i tried to do everything to restore her vigor but somehow there is no effect. all my efforts seemed to be in vain. days passed and she doesn't seemed to respond at all. deep inside of me was the awful thought that she might give up and succumb to defeat. that i will not be able to see her bloom in beauty and magnificence. the day that i have been waiting for all my life might never happen. i was ready to give up...

my heart cried out and Someone heard it. the same voice who told me to "pick her up" is the same voice who is telling me now, "I am not yet done with her." then peace just poured down like rain in my life, until i was drenched. then assurance, hope and love came to me in different forms, strengthening my faith more and more. then the memory of the day i picked her up from that side of the road came back to me. tears built up and started rolling down my cheek, the same cheek that the gentle breeze kissed and made me noticed that precious beauty...

now, i face everyday with hope that this precious beauty will one day bloom in glory and magnificence, not solely because of my efforts but because Someone much more greater than me is also caring and nurturing her. and when that day will come, it will be perfect in every way...

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